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Instructions for collection of behavioral data on orang utans
During the Orangutan Culture Workshop (February 2002) in San Anselmo, USA, a document on orang utan data collection standardisation was drafted based on the experience of all participants. Every field project will have different main questions and will thus have to make choices about which data to collect in detail. However, it is hoped that observers in all field sites will collect basic data in a standardised way, so that these can be used for comparison between different sites.
The following general field rules for the orang-utan project in Tuanan (Kalimantan Tengah) were based on the standardisation document. We have added examples of vocalisations and cultural variants. Phenology plots and littertraps are used according to the standardisation document.
For questions contact Dr. Carel van Schaik (vschaik* or Dr. Maria van Noordwijk (vnoord*
Move | M | all locomotion, usually between trees/patches, if within patch movement should last for more than five seconds and not be simultaneously with feeding |
Mq | quadrupedal walking on horizontal substrate | |
Mb | Brachiating | |
Mt | Treesway | |
Rest | R | sit, lie, stand, hang for more than 5 seconds, not doing anything else |
Rs | sit or lie on nest (= sarang) | |
Feed | F | processing, gathering, ingesting food items, some movement (less than 5 seconds duration) within a patch consistent with these goals may be included |
Ffr | feed on fruit note ripe/unripe in item column (if clearly feeding on seeds, OK to make new subcategory F sd) | |
Fsd | feed on seeds (still note ripe/unripe in item column) | |
Ffl | feed on flowers; note details in item column | |
Fyl | feed on young leaves | |
Flv | feed on mature leaves | |
Fveg | feed on other vegetative plant parts, note details in item column | |
Fins | feed on insects, note kind in item column | |
F bk | feed on bark | |
Foth | feed on something else, describe in item column | |
Fw | drink water, note from where in item column and how: directly with mouth, drip from hand, drip from leaves, cupped hand etc. | |
TF | Only for young offspring: trying out food / tasting without really eating; add same items as for F | |
Suckle | D | only for immatures: drink milk from mother |
Nest | N | build nest; always note special features (roofs, repair old nest, etc.) - use checklist for night nest (+ nest-list for mother-offspring) |
Social | Soc | all social interactions. Write kind in item column (sex, agonistic, groom, long call or display if directed at other orangutan); give details in sosial column, including how interaction ended |
Social Play | SP | social play with a partner; write kind in item column (wrestle, chase); note details in sosial column and include position (on/above nest, hanging, upside down, etc.) (Remember appropriate approach/leave entries) |
Auto play | APO APM |
Solitary object play: “nonfunctional” manipulation of objects Solitary movement play: repetitive movement such as twirling, swinging etc |
Cling | C | only for immatures: being carried clinging to the mother’s body, note whether mother supports offspring with arm or leg in item column (Note that Cling is not an exclusive category and may be used in combination with other compatible activities; see #6 Rules for Mother-Offspring) |
If in doubt use hierarchy Soc > M > F > R
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
These elements are to be used for a description of all social interactions, also between mother and offspring, in the “sosial” column on the focal sheets. Write Vocalizations and Display in the item columns next to activity, give details in social section.
unprovoked retreat/submission |
in response to a ‘neutral” approach, other one shows signs of fear (submissive mips) and retreats |
active displacement | fast approach, may include touch or enter into nest resulting in retreat of the approached individual |
chase | pursuit over more than 10 m or into other tree |
flee | fast retreat from other individual |
flee towards | approach and stay close to more dominant individual after third individual approached/threatened |
bite | |
slap | |
pull | |
push | |
fight | whole body wrestle |
display | sway, drop (or throw) branches; push over dead tree trunks; make clear whether directed at other orangutans or at observers |
kiss | mouth to mouth touch (“smell”) |
embrace | at least one arm touches shoulder/back of other individual |
groom | skin/hair care (with fingers while looking at this)of other individual; describe details: which body part, wound |
watch | close attention to action of other e.g. feeding, manipulating, tool-use; describe details and distance (appropriate approach/leave checklist should also be filled out) |
look away | look away from (“ignore”) other’s action at close range |
bridge | form a bridge between trees to let smaller individual transfer |
beg | outstretched hand to other, with or without vocalization |
collect infant |
tolerated theft | individual who collected food item allows other individual to take (part of) it; common from mother to offspring but also seen in other dyads. Food transfer can go ‘mouth to mouth’, ‘hand to hand’, mouth to hand or hand to mouth |
active hand-to-hand | individual who collected food item actively takes initiative to give some of it to other individual |
masturbate | sexual self stimulation with hands or tools (if with tools describe!) |
sex investigate | sniff or touch with mouth or fingers the vagina/penis of other |
copulation attempt | no intromission achieved |
copulation | intromission achieved, thrusting by male and/or female |
intromission |
urinate | |
defecate | |
yawn | |
scratch | scratch with fingers or toes, describe body part |
symmetrical scratch | with both hand scratch corresponding body parts |
autogroom | Skin/hair care of own body, with fingers while looking at this |
penile erection | |
pilo-erection | fluffed out fur |
throat poach inflation | |
bulging lips | |
temper tantrum | wild repetitive movements, often with screaming/crying, mostly by dependent immatures; describe details and context |